Prof. Dr. Juan Bornman from the University of Pretoria in South Africa was a visiting researcher at the Faculty of Humanities, Institute for Special Education, Department of Speech and Language Pedagogy & Therapy. Prof. Bornman is the director of the “Center for Augmentative and Alternative Communication” (CAAC) and our PI in the TALC South Africa project branch. After a visit from our Lab team member Prof. Jörn Ostermann in May 2019 we were welcoming Prof. Bornman for two weeks under the MoU of our universities. Prof. Bornman contributed to our teaching at the Institute for Special Education with her elaborate expertise in AAC. Several meeting concerning the TALC project were also held with researchers form the different involved disciplines of Speech and Language Therapy, (Computer) Linguistics and Computer Science. Progress was made in aligning the German and South African TALC pilot studies and interdisciplinary teams as well as joint publications. After these very productive weeks, we are looking forward to our TALC workshop at the University of Pretoria in February 2020 to deepen the interdisciplinary discourse in the project.